Works Consulted

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. “Brier Rose” Folk and Fairy Tales, forth edition: An Introductory Anthology. Ed. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. Peterborough, On: Broadview Press, 2009. 77-79. Print.

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. Trans. Margaret Taylor. “How Six Men Got on in The World” Classic Literature. N.p. 1884. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

Jacobs, J. “Jack and the Beanstalk” Folk and Fairy Tales, forth edition: An Introductory Anthology. Ed. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. Peterborough, On: Broadview Press, 2009. 156-161. Print.

Maaren, K. “Modules Four and Five” CENG222: Fairy Tales and Fantasies: Ryerson University. N.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

Perrault, C. “The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood” Folk and Fairy Tales, forth edition: An Introductory Anthology. Ed. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. Peterborough, On: Broadview Press, 2009. 71-77. Print.

Pratchett, Terry. The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents. NY, NY: Harper Collins, 2001. Print.

Sleeping Beauty. Dir. Clyde Geronimi. Walt Disney Productions, 1959. Film.

Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit. London, UK: Harper Collins, 2012. Print.

I’m Back Dreamers!

Hey all! It’s Rose here, blogging from the castle!!!!!!!

That’s right Dreamers!

I’m awake, I’m online and………


We didn’t know how we would get around the princess/commoner thing, and we didn’t know how we were going to convince Mom and Dad, but Robin and I have been secretly dating since we were 15!!!

Before I clicked on that stupid virtual needle, he had just given me a BEEEAAAUUUUTILFUL ring for my birthday and asked me to marry him!

And then the whole curse mess happened (Which Totally Sucked) BUT… Mom and Dad were so impressed with Robin’s brave deeds that Daddy agreed to reward him with my hand in marriage!!!


Now, before you get all “how old fashioned, he can’t give his daughter as a reward in an arranged marriage” on me, let me assure you that I am over the moon.

But let’s be honest Dreamer, I know what the real question that is on everyone’s mind is…….

???? How did Robin defeat Evil Aunt’s curse ????



When Hansel, Gretel and Robin decoded the spellbook they found the one thing that would break the enchantment- and since Robin and I were….well…..

Robin ran back to the castle, through the sleeping court, up into by chamber, and then……





So Dreamland, you are cordially invited to our Wedding.

 Next Saturday. The Palace. Noon.

If you can’t make it, you can also view me in my beautiful gown (We have royal seamstresses now!) on our featured page on ustream! Hope to see you all there!!!!!!


Finally, on behalf of Robin, myself, and the rest of the court, I would like to express our gratitude at the outpouring of love and sympathy we have received regarding the passing of Godmother. She was a wonderful woman, and will be dearly missed. I hope that she will watch our wedding from her own Dreamland, and find a silver lining in her life beyond.

Love, Peace, and Magical Thinking,

 just married

Rose (and Robin)

Thunderclouds and Silver Linings

silver lining

Hello Dreamers. Much has happened over the last day. It is bittersweet that I emerge victorious, with a tired yet hopeful heart.

I will do my best to tell the whole truth of this heroic saga.

After a long hike down the main path in the dank Nightmare Forest, we found ourselves exhausted underneath Thundercloud Castle. The rats couldn’t find the ground entrance anywhere and we were all beginning to lose hope. Godmother decided to make herself and espresso to help stay awake. She accidentally fumbled with the beans and dropped a few on the ground. Cursing her luck, we all slumped down against a tree for a rest. Luck didn’t seem to be on our side: it began to rain. BUT: Suddenly the ground began to shake, the spilled coffee beans began to glow, and…….


VOILA!! Instant access to Thundercloud Castle!

Jack, I don’t know if you knew they were MAGIC Beans, but Thank You!!!!!

Once at the top of the cloud, we slipped into a secret passage on the north end of the castle, away from the searchlights and hawk-like eyes of the castle guard. This lead us through a series of dark and deadly tunnels.

 Thank you to our wonderful band of Rats who helped us navigate the perils of Thundercloud Castle. With their help, we arrived at Evil Aunt’s throne room unharmed.

The dungeon and secret passageways are littered with traps. Think Raiders of the Lost Ark, but 100 times worse.

The dungeon and secret passageways are littered with traps. Think Raiders of the Lost Ark, but 100 times worse.

Here, we wished the rats well on their journey home and forged on into the throne room to confront our greatest obstacle.

The view as we entered the throne room.

The view as we entered the throne room.

Godmother approached Evil Aunt with what can only be described as fireworks.


Wands shot spell after spell. Sparkles flew through the air piercing walls and damaging tapestries. I quickly slipped on Bilbo’s ring (which, as it turns out, renders you invisible*). I slipped past the guards toward Evil Aunts spell book. Just as my hand touched the rough leather I heard a guttural howl emerge from behind me. I turned around to find the guards and Evil Aunt….Vanished!

Godmother stood in the middle of the throne room panting and huffing, keeling over in pain. I rushed over to her just as she collapsed. Cradled in my arms, she looked up at me with teary eyes. Suddenly a smiled parted her lips and she spoke softly and slowly,

“We won” she sighed contently, “Evil Aunt and her minions have been banished to the Land of Oblivion for all time”. With those last words, the sun began to stream in through the windows, casting a heavenly glow upon her forehead. Godmother let out a small girlish laugh, slumped in my arms and died.

Dreamers, It has become apparent to me through this journey that magic responsibility should never fall on one person alone. Magic will either drive you to the dark side, as Evil Aunt, or drain you of your life force, just like Godmother.

But her good and brave deeds will not be forgotten. She will not be forgotten.


The silver lining to this story will be our final victory! We recovered the spellbook! With the help of Hansel and Gretel, who have poured over the ancient words with me all evening, I have discovered the cure for Rose’s curse! It is so simple, so cliché, I don’t know why I never thought of it before!

Sleep well Dreamers.

Tomorrow your King, Queen, and beloved Princess will awake!!!

*Bilbo, I sent the ring home with your friend Gollum. He met me in the forest on my way out and said he was on his way to see you. Let me know when you get it.

Wide Wide Dreamland World

Our view toward Evil Aunt's castle in the Thundercloud of Nightmare Forest.

Our view toward Evil Aunt’s Thundercloud Castle of Nightmare Forest.

After an exhausting trek across Dreamland, Godmother and I have found ourselves on the edge of Nightmare Forest.

Thanks to the Dreamy social network for helping us locate Evil Aunt and her Thundercloud Castle and especially @Dreamer72 ‘s tweet which read:

tweet@robingodmother Look Up #gotowardthethundercloud #obvious

We are resting at thestarbucksrun by Hansel and Gretel, who have been amusing, frightening, and reassuring us with tales of their own encounter with an evil witch. They have a good side career of battling witches, and recently filmed an autobiographical movie, which I promised I would plug for them so….

Godmother is a little tired. She used more of her magic to protect this blog from the hacking skills of Rose’s evil aunt’s cyber minions, so those of you who were worried Evil Aunt has been following our progress can settle down- her IP address has been blocked.

Some friends have come by to lend a hand with the following gifts:

The barista, Jack:

magic beans

I assume these beans are to keep ailing Godmother awake.

A small man from the Shire of Dreamland:


He claims it holds a secret power to be used inside the castle.

A local talking cat offered us some talking Rats who claim to know their way around the castle’s hidden passageways. We had to pay the cat for the rats, but it was a small price for such skilled guidance.


We head out tomorrow morning, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to blog until we get back.

Please send all your positive wishes our way on our campaign to save the princess! See you on the other side!

Entrance into Nightmare Forest.

Entrance into Nightmare Forest.


royal announce

It is with a sad heart that I write to you all today to confirm that the curse placed upon Rose at her christening has come to pass.

Despite our best efforts, Rose received an e-card yesterday, which invited her to click on a virtual needle, promising a new pair of virtual jeans. Upon clicking the needle, Rose instantly fell into a deep sleep.

The e-card was traced shortly afterward to the IP address of someone registered as E-VIL.NT.

First, I want to assure you all that Rose is resting just fine. I know she would appreciate all your kind thoughts, and would have been thrilled to know she was the #1 trending topic on twitter today. I only hope we can translate this outpouring of support into a means of finding the cure.

As per the King and Queen’s wishes, Godmother placed the entire castle  into a magically induced coma until the spell over the princess has been broken.

I volunteered to aid Godmother in her quest to undo this evil curse. I will be sure to keep you all abreast of our progress through Rose’s blog.

I’ll keep it short here, cause part of the magically-induced-coma-deal means that Godmother and I gotta pack up and leave the castle, but before I go wireless, I want to ask anyone who has any knowledge on the whereabouts of Evil Aunt, please send your tips to or tweet @robingodmother. We need to find her magic spellbook, which contains the instructions for reversing the spell.

 Will blog again as soon as I find astarbucks for some free WiFi.

To finish, I want to honor Rose with a Meme created by a Dreamer earlier today. She would love it!



Welcome Dreamers!

Hello to all in the Kingdom of Dreamland!!

It’s me- Princess Rose!

download (5)

I have decided to abandon Facebook in favour of a more personal blogging experience. Check back here to get my latest updates and the Truth on all the nice and nasty rumours floating around about me!

meme's ahead

To start us off down this new blogging road, here’s a quick rundown of the most common SO NOT TRUE rumours:

  1. I did not ban needles from Dreamland because I can’t stand women’s work, or am some raging feminist. I wish we had a royal seamstress. All of my dresses have to be magically put together by Godmother. She has really out-dated taste. For example:

I know they look pretty, but imagine wearing them EVERYDAY! No jeans. No lululemon.

2. The royal ban on needles is also NOT because my father is an ex-addict. Yes, he partied in his youth, but never enough to need rehab.

Old Cartoon from the Dreamland Post. Again, Totally NOT True.

Old Cartoon from the Dreamland Post. Again, Totally NOT True.

Here are the HARD FACTS:

The decree came after my christening, when Evil Aunt (who harnesses evil magic) placed a curse on me, because she wasn’t invited.

She wasn’t invited because she’s basically pure evil and an attention grabber.

Yup. Pure Evil Attention Grabber.

Yup. Pure Evil Attention Grabber.

Her curse went something like this: I touch a needle on my 17th birthday- I die.

Totally stupid curse. Totally extreme. Cause of dying and all. I told you she was pure evil.


Godmother (who harnesses good magic and WAS invited)- was all like-

“OH no you don’t!”

She waved her wand around and reversed the curse as best she could (she’s getting old).

Now, if I touch a needle on my 17th ,I will only sleep for 1000 years.

Hey! It was better than nothing!

Hey! It was better than nothing!

But obviously my parents were still freaked so…… no more needles!

no needles 2 no needles

Phew! That took a lot of explaining.

3. We do not live in a 100 bedroom castle. There are only 86.



4. There is nothing going on with Robin, the pageboy, and me. He is totally just a friend.

just friends

There. Hope that clears a few things up.

One last thing:

Tomorrow is my 17th birthday. I welcome e-cards and tweets. Or memes like this:

images (14)